
Comment history with DamianDreamer


Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 comments

Really that's crazy...but not much..SSDD =/ nothing special ever goes on around here well except for concerts...what would be cool is if we had a car show come here

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 11, 07 2:44 am

i love cars, Hot rods are awesome, not so much a fan of low riders though, but they're still kewl. So sup? I've had the worse weekend ever, my ex and his friends thought it would be funny to fake a car wreck about my ex, and i bout killed myself, and i found out it was fake today... and yeah im pretty pissed, hes gunna be gettin an ass woopin from me. Ugh. but other than that, im doin kewl, I had a new gf, but me and her arent doin so well. She to immature, I hate ppl like that. BUT ANYWAYS Lol, Ttul

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 10, 07 6:48 pm

Rod run?..sounds like fun lol..wouldn't mind going to one of those i love cars...especailly hot rods n low two favs

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 6, 07 7:03 pm

Yeah well we have this Rod Run tomorrow, like with kewl cars lol, im going to that, probably guna get drunk ;] im like really excited.. and yeah idk how to make layouts that well.. lol, Graphics are more my thing.. I have a lot of test tomorrow, so im guna go study.

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 6, 07 5:06 pm

not much..bored tryna get a custom layout done n some graphics..well idk how to do it but i was tryna find someone who was willing...but yeah that's it lol other then that i'm bored lol

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 5, 07 6:39 pm

yeah it's pretty bad, and im on lockdown pretty much, I just got out of juvi a while back and my parents hate me -.- But whatever, gay.. So yeah im pretty bored right now, whats up?

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 5, 07 5:36 pm

lol it kan't be that bad..i used to stay in cali too when i was younger

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 4, 07 4:22 pm

Well this place here makes lame look good... It flat out sucks, I miss the beach, Born and razed in cali... Damn. Anyways, peace.

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 3, 07 10:13 pm

yeah i know right...especially not living here..its like the lamest place ever

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 3, 07 4:07 pm

Nohting is amusing these days.. Lol.

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 3, 07 12:24 am

not much..bored trying to find something to keep me amused lol

Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 1, 07 10:18 pm

nm sup wit u?

Posted by samiTHEninjaDINO on Sep 1, 07 8:30 pm


Posted by DamianDreamer on Sep 1, 07 7:59 pm
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  • 16 years old